Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CFiberTaskExtensionsExtends the Task and TaskFactory classes with methods to support coroutines
 CFiberTaskSchedulerTaskScheduler that can execute fibers (yieldable coroutines)
 CUnityTaskExtensionsExtends MonoBehaviour to support FiberTaskScheduler
 CUnityTaskFactoryProvides a task factory for Unity using the default UnityTaskScheduler
 CUnityTaskSchedulerProvides a default fiber task scheduler for Unity using the default UnityFiberScheduler
 CYieldableTaskYieldable task for execution on a fiber
 CConcurrentBehaviourConvenience class that extends MonoBehavior to provide a Scheduler and TaskFactory for executing tasks on the behaviour instance
 CFiberA Fiber is a lightweight means of scheduling work that enables multiple units of processing to execute concurrently by co-operatively sharing execution time on a single thread
 CFiberAbortExceptionThe exception that is thrown when a call is made to the Abort method
 CFiberFactoryA Fiber Factory for creating fibers with the same options
 CFiberInstructionRepresents a fiber instruction to be processed by a FiberScheduler
 CFiberResultAn instruction to stop fiber execution and set a result on the fiber
 CFiberSchedulerSchedules fibers for execution
 CFiberSchedulerSynchronizationContextFiber scheduler synchronization context to support task synchronization across schedulers or other synchronization models
 CObjectInstructionWraps an object as an instruction
 CStopInstructionAn instruction to terminate execution of the current fiber
 CSystemCoroutineThis static class exposes convenience coroutines that can be passed to a fiber or task
 CSystemFiberSchedulerThis class is the system default implementation of a FiberScheduler and is capable of scheduling and executing fibers on the current thread
 CUnityCoroutineThis static class exposes convenience coroutines specific to Unity that can be passed to a fiber or task
 CUnityFiberExtensionsExtends Fiber for Unity
 CUnityFiberFactoryProvides a fiber factory for Unity using the default UnityFiberScheduler
 CUnityFiberInstructionRepresents a fiber instruction to be processed by a FiberScheduler
 CUnityFiberSchedulerFiberScheduler that can execute fibers (yieldable coroutines) during the update cycle of a MonoBehaviour
 CUnitySynchronizationContextUnity synchronization context
 CYieldForSecondsA FiberInstruction to pause execution of a fiber for the specified duration
 CYieldToAnyFiberAn instruction to yield execution to any fiber
 CYieldToFiberYield execution to a specific fiber belonging to the same scheduler as the current fiber
 CYieldUntilCompleteYield execution until the watched fiber on the same scheduler is complete
 CAotInterlockedInterlocked reference exchanges do not work with the older Mono AOT compiler so this type fudges around it using a spinlock